Free 30-Minute Masterclass

Reclaiming YOU

3 Keys to Move from Heartbreak to Hopeful to Happy After Divorce

In this Free Masterclass . . . You'll Get Answers


Ready to recover, heal & thrive but not sure how to get there from here? 

If so, this masterclass is for you! I'll teach you the 3 keys to moving past being stuck in pain and anger and onto rebuilding your new life with peace, clarity and confidence.


Ever wonder why half of marriages end in divorce?

I did to! What I discovered is astonishing. The answer is NOT that we've all failed at life because our marriages didn't last a lifetime. If you're like me, this information will change how you look at marriage and divorce.


Want to know the most important (and under-used) divorce recovery power tool?

Most people don't know that they hold a powerful key to recovery in their hands. I'll teach you what it is and how to use it for deeper peace and healing. 


Would you like a roadmap to a happy new life after divorce?

Knowing what’s possible for you, and how to get there,
gives you a direct path to thriving after divorce. In this masterclass you'll get clear what you want and how to create it for yourself.

"I've gone from angry, overwhelmed and scared about what's next to confident I will recover and excited about my future."


"Working with Deb is like having someone in your corner saying, 'You can do it!' She gives practical steps to take charge of your post-divorce life, rather than being stuck in victim or guilty mode."


"Deb helped me see things in a more positive way and reshaped my thinking so that I can focus on my happiness and not dwell on what didn't go as planned or as I had hoped for. More importantly, she helped me to let go of the grudges I held against my ex."


What would it be like if you were completely peaceful about your divorce, and happier than ever in your new life?

It doesn't matter who left who, or if your divorce was recent or a long while ago . . . you deserve to feel good about yourself, peaceful about your past and excited about your future. And, you can!

I'll give you a new and more encouraging way to look at divorce and show you the necessary steps to freedom from anger, sadness, regret and blame.

This masterclass will help lay the foundation for healing from divorce, reclaiming your power and rebuilding your life. 

Join me and get answers about what it takes to recover, heal and thrive.

A Note From Deb . . . 

I’ve been where you are, and I understand what you’re going through. Back in 2005, when I was going through my own messy divorce, I was overwhelmed, stressed, angry and extremely sad. On one of my darkest days, I had a light bulb moment that changed everything.

This was the beginning of a miraculous transformation. I recovered and went on to develop my step-by-step divorce recovery process, outlined in my top-selling book Something Gained: 7 Shifts to Be Stronger, Smarter & Happier After Divorce.

Since then, I've been busy creating new content and strategies to give you the latest new thinking about healing and reinventing yourself after divorce. This practical inspiration, which you can't get anywhere else, will not only lift you up but also give you action steps to change your life starting immediately. 
